Monday, January 27, 2014

Boost Your Mood to Stay Happy

Boost Your Mood to Stay Happy

Sad, Happy, Excited, Angry are just different phases of moods that we come face-to-face with in our daily life. A word of praise can instantly fill us with happiness and on the contrary a scolding from your mom can dishearten you. Almost all of us go through psychological wear and tear at work and home everyday. To stay calm and keep moving it is necessary that mood changes doesn’t affect us much. It is necessary to break the monotony of life and recharge the energy levels. Next time if you come across mood swings juts fight them with the mood boosting tips. You will realize how even very-small things in life can truly have a positive impact on your day.
Take a stretching break
The sedentary lifestyle and the pressure of balancing the work and office life generally leads to mood related problems. It is necessary to overcome them to have a happy and better life. Our advice for you is to take breaks often, we are not talking about coffee or chit-o-chat breaks. Instead try out few office exercise, such as neck or arm roll to relieve muscle pain and refresh your mind.
Smile As Much As You Can
Follow the “Smile” policy, even if you have to fake it out at times. Our body releases endorphins every time we smile. Instead of frown give a smile to as many people you meet. It will not only uplift your mood but will also prove a booster for other people. The added advantage is it will also give your facial muscles a good workout.
Take a power walk
Even a few minutes of brisk walk can help you improve your health and relieve stress. Doctors recommend a walk of minimum 30 minutes to keep your heart and mind happy. For those who run away from exercises and are always ready with excuses, the situation can get quite alarming. It is necessary to start exercising before its too late. In the beginning you can start with 2 minutes walk and slowly and gradually increase with time.
Body Massage for Happy You
There is no better remedy to relieve stress then pampering your body. A body massage can definitely help you to uplift your mood and relieve body pain. With many quality spa centers it is easy to choose the one that suits your needs and fits into your budget. You can even look for at-home spa kits to relieve yourself of tension and stress right at your own home. So next time you feeling low, take out some time and take the spa therapy.
Practice Belly Breathing
Belly breathing is a powerful technique to help you rejuvenate your mind and body. It involves inhaling through nose, filling the air in belly and then breathing out through mouth. Always take out some time to perform 5 to 10 conscious breaths everyday for healthy living.
Hope these five mood booster mantras will definitely help you combat mood related problems. Share your own favorite mood boosters in the comments section.

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